Art, Creativity, Photography, Travel, Writing

Texture Tuesday number 2

Kim’s prompt for Tuesday 8th November was to use at least one of her textures and to create a piece based on the number 2, this could be interpreted in any way we liked.  This is my twist on the number two,  of my last cat, Sandy, reflected in the mirror so that there are two of him.


I have used pumpkin grunge and simple things textures

this is the original photo


I’ve always been a cat person and we have never been long without a cat. After Truffle died we thought long and hard about getting another cat as we had suffered many casualties on the road in front of our house. As we drove back from France we decided to call in at the local animal refuge to see if they had any cats that needed new homes. We were firm believers that a cat should choose you, not the other way around but on this occasion no cat came forward. There was a huge ginger cat that I liked the look of but he showed no interest when we approached him. As we were about to leave the people running the refuge told us they had a couple of new arrivals that hadn’t been put in with the rest of the cats yet. We took one look at the ginger cat and said we would take him. We hadn’t intended getting 2 but when we looked at his companion, an adorable calico cat, we knew we had to take her too. The refuge had named him Lorenzo which we didn’t like and I can’t remember now what her name was but we renamed her Pebbles. The vet later told us that she was older than he was and we have always wondered if she was his mother.

This is the two of them in a rare moment of togetherness.


Pebbles loved flowers and this is my favourite picture of her

Pebbles and tulips

Sadly we lost them both to illness and unfortunately our domestic circumstances – we travel a lot – mean that we cannot have a cat for the moment so we feed one of the local street cats instead and have had her neutered so that she won’t turn up on the doorstep with a litter of kittens that need homes finding for them. Here she is, looking pretty disgruntled at being interrrupted while breakfasting to have her photo taken.


kimklassencafe why not pop over to the cafe to see what other people have done on this theme?

Comments on: "Texture Tuesday number 2" (12)

  1. Absolutely love Sandy! So cute! And the image is very nicely processed.

  2. Sorry about the loss! I like your entry for Texture Tuesday…at first glance I didn’t see the mirror so didn’t know that it was a reflection!

  3. lovely! Two ginger tums 🙂 a great use of the texture to warm it up, I love it 🙂

  4. great photo, wonderful memories . . .

  5. what a great photography with the mirror image; and, the texturing totally enhances the coloring. wonderful. thank you, kareninkenai

  6. Great shot and edit! You have lovely pictures to remember those two sweet kitties. Meanwhile, the street cat benefits from your caring attention.

  7. Clever shot using the reflection – what a great interpretation of the theme! The textures sure helped warm it up!

  8. i love your entry for texture tuesday! and i loved your post too, i love cats. i enjoyed looking at all your kitty photos. all of them are beautiful!

  9. Cute cat reflected. Nice picture.

  10. I agree with what you say about the cat choosing the human. Some friends of mine who had never had a pet of any kind attracted a pregnant female who had a litter in their upstairs closet. The mother has long since passed on but my friends have had cats ever since. Now they have three.

  11. Jacqui97223 said:

    I love this TT posting. The mirror image creating two is perfect. Jacqui

Please let me know what you think about this post, I welcome your thoughts